Sorry to be so negative, but...

I have to vent this somewhere.

I cried after getting off the scale this morning.  I have not weighed so much in several years.  Muscle or no muscle, I cannot handle this at all.

Taking a second rest day in hopes that my leg will feel all better tomorrow and I can run again.

Since I am resting, I want to keep my calories low.  There is no reason to eat so much today.

I am disgusted that I let this happen to myself.  It is MY fault, no one else's.

Thank you all for your kind words... Peri, Eloise, Mich, and Ruby and whoever else I am forgetting off the top of my head.  Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Ugg! It sucks when your body feels out of your control. I know the feeling. Hope your leg gets better so you can run again. Not being active when you are feeling heavy is the pits.

Ruby Tuesday said...

This is the reason I stopped weighing myself, those little numbers had too much power over me,
As my therapist said to me yesterday,
Our worth should not be measured by the numbers on a scale,
I'm trying not to define myself by my weight
We are so much more, we are friends, dsughters, writers and so much more

Sending you love and a hug x

Does It Even Matter said...

I understand how you're feeling hun and I hope you cheer up soon and your leg feels better.

Maybe try and rest and sleep the day away? We don't eat when we sleep. :)


Lulu said...

(HUGS) I hate the scale.
Rest your leg, don't overdo the running.
Feel better.

Peridot (G+P) said...

You rest that leg, Dese! Don't run on it past the pain or you'll fuck it up for good.

*Hugs* I know exactly how you feel about the scales. It's why I resumed SHing in April, just couldn't take my size anymore. (SH isn't a smart way to deal with it though. You end up fat AND scarred *facepalm*)

Put your leg up and have a cup of tea. You are amazing, alright?

*Hugs again* Take care of yourself and I hope your leg is better very very soon.

Ayden said...

Ugh, I hate it when I see a higher number on the scale... I know people say not to base your body on the number you see, but it's almost impossible not to.
I hope you get feeling more positively soon, love!


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