Hanging in there

Thanks for the love, ladies.

Still just incredibly sad about Juan.  Trying to stay distracted.

Losing a little at a time, but I still can't run.  I ran yesterday morning and the tendonitis in my feet is back (left arch, right out-step).  Down to 137.5ish but it should have been 127.5ish ages ago.

I just ate a cupcake for lunch.  Do not even try to ask me how I rationalized that.

Coffee and a salad today, maybe yoga later to de-stress.

Sorry for being absent, I'm just moping.


Ruby Tuesday said...

Sending you lots of love sweetie

Be gentle with yourself, you are probably feeling quite fragile so take good care of you x

Clear Girl said...

I am so so sorry about Juan. Deal with the emotional first, everyone needs a cupcake when dealing with heartbreak. Let yourself mope! Yoga sounds perfect for dealing with strife like this :(


Claire said...

Oh hun, I'm so sorry you're down again. Please don't forget how amazing you are- You ran a MARATHON! I'm still in awe of your achievement. If there's anything I can do I'm right here. I know you can get through this xxx

Peridot (G+P) said...

Distractions are good. I like that plan. Maybe teach yourself to dance Gangnam style?

UGH. I so want to beat his face in with a ham for being such a twatcannon.

Oh fuck NO! Silly feet! Why do they play up like that? I'm going to do some research on the problem AND legwarmer patterns.

I had some red velvet cake. Never had it before, it was odd. Sometimes a slice of cake is it's own justification. Feed the soul and not just the body.

Love you so much *hugs* Look after yourself, ok?

Anna said...

Salut! I just found your blog and je l'adore :) You seem like a wonderful person. Sorry about the breakup, things like that never seem to get easier.


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