Busy busy busy

Down to 131.8 without any exercise.  My latest strategy is simply that I do not want to go grocery shopping until after I come back from Christmas holidays and I would rather spend my very limited funds on Christmas gifts.

My leg is still bothering me - not sure if I mentioned that - so I did not run much last week, I ran on Sunday and woke up in pain on Monday, and am just going to wait it out.  Maybe I'll finally feel better on Saturday.  Not running is making me totally stir crazy.

My days have been filled with much studying, reviewing, writing papers and statistics reports.  Whenever I get a break, I sneak in a bit of knitting.  I finished one hat, I'm almost done with my roommate's little neck-warmer, I have one hat to finish by Sunday and two more by Thursday night.  Then I have three more knitting projects before Christmas.  Just another hat, neck warmer, and bed socks - nothing too crazy, like last year's sweater for Juan.

I hope everyone is enjoying the spirit of the holiday season.  I do not really enjoy the crowds involved with shopping, but I love gift-giving at any time of year.  I obsess over the perfect presents.  I ordered a great safety razor set with a brush, stand, and soap for Juan.  I have it shipped directly to him, so he can open it on Christmas and will not be forced to check his luggage when he comes to visit at the end of the month (24 days!!!).  I know he will really appreciate it.  I need to box up my friend Pauline's gift and get that mailed off to France.  I need to work on knitting some other little things for blogging friends too - I started a fun surprise for Peri, but it's been on hold with the Christmas things.  I'd love to send some hats and mitts to various corners of the globe.

How are you all doing?  I feel like I am in an okay spot now after all of the drama with my family and I'm just trying to stay focused on school, drink many cups of tea, and snuggle with my cat.  I sound so lame, huh?

Here's to reaching 130 before Christmas (looks easy at this point) and with any blessing, 125 before Juan arrives.  That's a little less than 7 pounds and I haven't even been running lately.  I am finally getting closer to my goals.  I can hardly believe it.


Anonymous said...

hope your leg gets better soon!
i always struggle with thinking what to get people for presents, but when you get it right its great to see how happy they are :)
im sure you can loose that much :) good luck!

Claire said...

I hope your leg gets better soon! I know how annoying nagging injuries can be.
You're so close to your goal! You can do it xxx

Peridot (G+P) said...


I may have to start something for you, after all this crazy Christmas knitting is done :p

Ouch, do you know what you did to your leg? I hope it's something simple that can be fixed with rest&elevation! *Hugs*

Best of luck with the study and assignments! You can do it! Rah rah rah! Go Desse she's our gal! WOOOOOOOOOO GOOOO YOU GOOD THING!!!


Anjani said...

You go, girl! You'll see your goal! Hope the leg feels better soon. :)

Peridot (G+P) said...

No, not crack! Testosterone and metaphysical balls of steel!


Hope you're having a good day!



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