Finally losing

I've kicked up my mileage over the past few weeks and I am trying to eat less.  I know it is not rocket science, but sometimes the equation of burning more calories that you consume becomes incredibly difficult to execute.

I was 133.2 after my run this morning and hovered between 134.8 and 135.0 beforehand.

I took a rest day on Sunday, instead of a 4.5 mile recovery run - I still ended the week at 31.5 miles.  I just had too much work to do and had an argument with Juan on Saturday that turned my whole day upside down with a raging headache.

I'm planning similar mileage this week, 4.5 yesterday, 6.2 this morning, etc.  The good thing about long runs is that I'm typically not ravenous when I come back.  On Saturday, after 10 miles I wasn't even hungry at all.  Obviously, I had something to eat because a run like that burns more than 1,000 calories and I should not completely punish my body.

I was planning on fasting today in preparation to meet my friend for drinks tonight, but I cracked when I came home and had three cookies that I baked last night (I have another friend coming over to stay the night, so I baked cookies for her yesterday) and a normal, light breakfast of soy yogurt and mango.  I already had 20 oz of water and a cup of tea but I still feel guilty.  I should have just had a little yogurt.  I want to look thin and have room to treat myself to a cocktail tonight.  I hardly ever waste calories on alcohol, but I am happy to meet my friend after class.  He is one of my first friends from college, is doing his PhD in neuroscience and is at a conference in DC for a few days.  There's no way I would commit to dinner with him, I cannot handle the calories, but a drink, I should not feel too guilty about that.

So, for the rest of the day I think I will stick to tea and coffee, especially since I am going to have alcohol tonight and my friend will be here all day tomorrow, which means eating a normal breakfast and lunch.

Thank you so much for commenting on my last few posts, I promise to share some love today.

I am getting closer to 130.  By the new year, I will be under, and I will be halfway to my ultimate goal.

Oh, and everyone needs to go give Adeline some big warm "welcome back" wishes!!!


Anonymous said...

Those miles are paying off. And it's cool that long runs don't make you completely ravenous so that you'd want to eat back the cals you just burned. Have fun with your friend!

Lockeven said...

Great job on the loss! You are one lean-mean running machine!

Hope you and Juan patched things up. I hate arguments. :(

And have fun with your friend tonight!

becca; said...

well done on the running - you're doing so well :) have a lovely time tonight with a friend - everyone's allowed to relax once in a while, so don't worry too much :) xo.

Sam said...

As always your running amazes me.

Thax for the support, and do not worry about me. I am usuall able to hold out a week on low amounts before I binge, and I have built in one mess-up day between those two weeks if it comes to that. But one thing that is different this time is I have scheduled short-term goals that build to a long-term goal. I usually binge because I loose sight of the bigger picture, this time will be different.

Have fun tonight,

miss said...

Wow, you are quite the runner. I'm actually inspired to start running again!

Don't feel too guilty. Go and meet your friend and have a great care-free time. You deserve it. Don't let a few cookies spoil the mood. You'll do better next time.

Anonymous said...

Aww aren't you a darling for sending people my way. Thank you xx

I haven't been able to visit your blog for a long time, and now that I am here I am so happy!

I've missed you a lot of course, and I'm so pleased and inspired as I always am by your beautiful healthy lifestyle.

I simply love you a great deal, and hope everything is going well 'behind the blog' too.

Adeline xx

Clear Girl said...

Must run...
so inspirational...

Also your breakfast sounds delicious! I think I'll follow suit tomorrow.


sylvie said...

thanks so much for the comments<3 i feel so loved! I was really solidly raw for 2 days, then for 2 days I was vegan, and one day I screwed up because there was dairy in stuff *facepalm*

Anyway, I'm getting there. I'm just hoping for one solid week of raw. Then on thanksgiving, I'm making a vegan meal. Not raw, but I've already started planning.

I miss running so much! I've been injured for the past month and even though I've been biking, running is just so much better. I've never run 10 miles...I think that would be really cool.

Weirdly enough, I eat less/healthier if I've exercised for the day, which I guess might be a little ironic. I think endorphins are appetite suppressants (you might want to check me on that, but I think I'm right haha).

I have some questions for you! What is your opinion on other grains (excluding wheat, including rice, etc.)? What do you stock your pantry with (maybe do a shopping list post), and have you lost much weight as a vegan/raw vegan, do you think it's a good way to go?

Peridot (G+P) said...

Unless you've starved yourself into store-everything mode (or training for a bodybuilding competition) enjoying a cookie now and then won't do anything so long as you remember 'moderation'. Got it? Now STOP FEELING GUILTY.

I promise to post regular updates on my spinning progress, just for you. Have you got my craft blog addy? I need to post there more often *Sigh*

Hmmm, maybe I should take a photo of my real stash. It doesn't fit into it's suitcase anymore *Cries*

Hope you have a great night and tons of fun <3

drink me. said...

Holy crap your mileage is amazing! It's what I aspire to! I want to be able to run like that someday <3

Anjani said...

You doing great, Sarah! You go girl! So proud of you! :)

Mich said...

You are intense with your running! I don't know how you do it, pretty lady. <3

I wouldn't stress too much about cookies--you're the one who baked them after all. You should get to sample the goodies, too. :)



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