Another good morning

Woke up this morning around 7:30, took an online quiz for my epidemiology course, put on my new Lululemon shorts (via ebay at a decent discount) and hit the pavement for a nice six miles.  The wind was really strong but the sun was shining, the sky blue, and the temperature perfect.  I hopped on the scale after my run to see 133.6.  Granted, that's my dehydrated weight, so I probably am really sitting at about 134.6-8.  Regardless, I am thrilled.  Even though it's still too high, I'm ready to see that number keep falling.

For breakfast, 3T steel cut oats, 1T cranberries, 2T hazelnuts, and a splash of soy creamer.  Not sure of the calories, but I know I burned about 650-700 on my run this morning according to my heart monitor, and I know my breakfast was not even close to that much.  Afterward I rehydrated with 1/2 glass of coconut water ~45 calories and water.  I'm feeling good about today.  Maybe the weather change is making me want to just drinking more tea and coffee and just not eat so much?  I always have trouble losing weight in the summer, but find myself more focused in the fall/winter/spring.  I have no idea why that makes any sense.

Thank you so much for all of the compliments on my hair!  It is just a fun change.  I will rock it for a bit and then I will be happy to be back to my sunny blonde locks.

I made Juan some "mounds" bars last night.  I had one - they are delicious... a mixture of coconut, brown rice syrup, powdered sugar, vanilla, organic coconut-oil-based shortening all coated in chocolate.  I got the recipe from Babycakes Covers the Classics.  I checked out a bunch of gluten-free, vegan cookbooks from the county library a while back because I am trying very hard to avoid wheat, since it makes me feel really sluggish and gives me a tummy ache.  I have been doing very well lately - no wheat, dairy, eggs, meat, and generally animal derivatives, like gelatin - with the exception of honey - in my diet makes me feel so much better, is better for the environment, and prevents me from loading up on bad-for-you foods. While it may not be easy at first and my not work for everyone, it works wonderfully for me.

I hope everyone is having a good week.  Today is a low-key day for me... no class until 4:30, then Grey's Anatomy (yes I still watch it! It is the only show I watch) is on tonight.  Tomorrow, I am meeting my friend in the city and we will run an easy four or five miles around the national mall (for those of you know know nothing about Washington, DC, the national mall is basically this biiiiiig lawn that stretches from the Capitol building - where the congress meets - to the Lincoln memorial).  Then, I have a biostatistics test tomorrow night at 7pm.  I really think it will not be too hard.  I had a study group yesterday and I seem to understand the material.  I just hope my teacher based the test mostly off of the lecture and homework material and not the other parts of the chapters that we did not discuss in class.

Oh, I am fairly certain my brother is shipping off tonight.  He is in the Navy and will be on a submarine.  He cannot say exactly when he is leaving and I have no idea where he will go, but I will not hear from him until January.  Say a little prayer for him, if you believe in it.

Alright, I am rambling.  I think I need to make some goals for the rest of the year.  I need to start thinking about Christmas presents too.  Running, studying, and knitting need to be my top three priorities.

Have a lovely day.  Thanks for reading my crazy rambles!


Sam said...

I still envey your running ability! I keep telling myself to just start small and work my way up but never really seems to work.

I've actually been looking up vegan recepies too, for a different reason, but I have found a really good site you might want to check out:

I will def say a prayer for your brother. He is doing a remarkable thing for our country and us (as citizens).



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